When was the last time you explored your own town?

When was the last time you explored your own town? | BloomingMagnoliasBlog.com | Travel, lifestyle, Saint Petersburg, Florida

When one says travel most of us immediately think of faraway places, the ones you get to either by plane, or a good car drive. In many ways, that’s the most exhilarating part of traveling - after all, we get away with the intention of seeing and experiencing new things, right?

The pandemic has undeniably shifted the way we travel, and especially due to restrictions almost worldwide, many of us have avoided international travel and focused on exploring our own countries instead.

I’ll admit that with the increase in COVID-19 cases, as well as temperatures here in Florida, we’ve suspended our plans to explore, and even some travel plans we had for an out-of-state trip.

However, with the hope of cooler temperatures, we’re planning on discovering more outdoor places locally - there are still so many on our list! Plus, the Tampa Bay area still feels all new to us, and we’ve been pleasantly surprised a few times already by what it has to offer.

So my question to you today is when was the last time you explored your own town or city? When was the last time you played tourist?

I am sure there is some corner that is still left to discover, so with the weekend upon us, get out there and [safely] see the place you live in with new eyes. Happy exploring!

These photos were taken in Downtown Saint Petersburg, Florida by yours truly.

When was the last time you explored your own town? | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Travel. Lifestyle
When was the last time you explored your own town? | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Travel, Lifestyle, Downtown St Pete
When was the last time you explored your own town? | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Travel, Downtown Saint Petersburg, Florida

Until next time.



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