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How to look and feel your best

Giving this post a refresher for the New Year in case it helps with intentions/goals/resolutions.

I don’t know of anyone who doesn’t want to look and feel their best. Luckily, it doesn't cost a ton of money, and you don’t have to have or do fancy things to achieve that. There are basic and fairly easy ways to go about it. That, of course, is by establishing a good foundation, aka, starting with and paying attention to details. I outline below the things, that in my opinion, help build it, so let’s dive in.


One of the simplest things you can do to look better is to have the right posture. It instantly exudes confidence and improves your appearance, not to mention your health down the line. While it can take time to correct a bad posture (I definitely have a problem with that), you can start by being mindful of it throughout the day and correct it whenever it’s problematic. YouTube has a ton of videos that can help with that so get started!

Personal grooming.

Taking care of your physical appearance is crucial in how you look and even feel, and it benefits you mentally as well. While it can be time-consuming, if you do it regularly, it gets easier to manage and maintain in time. That includes everything about your body, from hair and skin to nails, body hair, etc.

If you can afford it, schedule regular manicures and pedicures. Otherwise, learn to do them on your own at home. There are thousands of videos on YouTube on how to do that — choose one that works for you. The best part is that you can do it anytime, and it will cost you nothing to very little.

Next, try your best to take care of your hair — you don’t have to spend a lot to have your hair look great, trust me on this — my tried-and-true hair care products are affordable and work. In addition, it is recommended to trim your hair every few months to encourage healthy growth and get rid of “tired” ends, which may occur no matter what you do.

When it comes to skin, don’t get seduced by fancy lines and price tags; There are many brands out there that are effective and affordable. From those, I recommend Olay, ROC Skincare (I’m such a fan!), and even The Ordinary (I’ve reviewed many of their products here), all brands I’ve used myself for years and have been happy with, results and price-wise.

To get rid of unwanted hair, I 1000% recommend this IPL permanent hair removal device (latest version here) that changed my life! I promise it works as long as you are a candidate (check the description for details) and are consistent with its use. I started seeing significant results after 3 treatments (one every week) — read this post for more information.

If IPL is not an option for you, I recommend this epilator I’ve used for well over a decade prior to my IPL device. Seriously, I haven’t replaced it once! Or upgrade to something that’s more efficient as the one I linked previously is an old model. Yes, using an epilator can be painful and temporarily irritating, however, it’s a better option than waxing because you don’t have to wait for the hair to be of a certain length. Definitely exfoliate regularly to prevent ingrown hair — I recommend this exfoliating mitt. Also, something I discovered recently that has made a world of difference is dry brushing. I use this brush on dry skin before showering. I recommend doing this in the shower, as skin dusting will occur.

Lastly, moisturize your skin head-to-toe to keep it healthy and looking its best.

Find the proper underwear for you.

Panty lines are unsightly and can ruin an outfit. To avoid them, go for seamless underwear (try these and these!) that fits properly. Under dresses, try these seamless shorts, or check this post I wrote entirely on what to wear under see-through clothes. For bras, if you’re having a hard time finding one that suits you, try getting assistance at a lingerie or department store like Nordstrom. There you can also explore shapewear according to your needs and body type.

Take proper care of your clothes.

The easiest and simplest way to look your best is to ensure that your clothes are intact, clean, stain-free, and pressed/steamed/ironed. Washing clothes, especially those of natural fabrics like cotton, linen, silk, etc. shrivels, wrinkles, and even deforms them. Wearing your clothes like that will make you look frumpy. While it may be unrealistic to have wrinkle-free clothes, make sure that, at the very least, they are pressed after washing to give the fabric and garment its original look. Or, opt for fabrics that don’t wrinkle.

To ensure that your clothes last and are in their best shape possible, follow the care instructions on their labels. If you have experience with the fabric, handle it yourself. If the garment specifically asks for professional cleaning or you don’t have any experience with the type of fabric it’s made of, you better leave it to the professionals to ensure that you don’t ruin it. Treat stains immediately or as soon as possible, and make necessary repairs timely. If needed and worth it, consider tailoring clothes to your own body — you’ll love and wear them so much more if they’re done right (a good tailor is a must for that!).

Also, especially during the cold season, remove lint and pills from your clothes and accessories like scarves and beanies — they really downgrade the look and quality! I have had this lint-removing device for a few years, and it still works great!

Take proper care of your shoes.

The same goes for your shoes — make sure that they are clean, properly stored, and maintained. With designer and even leather shoes, I recommend taking them to a cobbler, if needed, to prolong their life. I also recommend placing silica gel packets in your shoes (especially boots and pumps) to keep them dry and mold-free in between wear or seasons.

Proper nutrition.

There is no “size fits all” concept when it comes to nutrition. While we may look similar, things that work for some, don’t work for others. The easiest examples to support this statement are the nuts that are delicious to some people, and deadly to others. What I’m saying is, to feel your best, try staying away from foods that make you feel bad. Aside from that, be more conscientious of what you eat in general. We’ve all experienced the state of overeating and the feeling that comes with it — not a pleasant one! So the bottom line is, enjoy whatever you like in limited quantities, especially when it comes to high-calorie foods like cheese, sweets, etc. Also, you’ve heard that before I’m sure, but drink your water, and eat your vegetables. Disclaimer: I am not a doctor nor a nutritionist and I am not giving professional advice here, but rather, sharing for informational purposes only. Please consult a professional for your dietary needs and/or plan.

Limit alcohol.

Alcohol is damaging to our bodies and looks, there’s no other way to put it. Personally, I don’t like how alcohol makes me feel, so I avoid it. I might have a drink 3-4 times a year at most, and I’m fine with that. How do I mostly avoid it? Simple! We don’t keep alcohol at home, and I can’t justify the price of it when going out, or even at the grocery store. If you find yourself with a glass of wine at the end of the day, try replacing it with raw kombucha — it’s so much better for you, and tastes delicious! I recommend this Health-Ade combo and GT’s Synergy; check out more of our favorites in this post. Another brand we love is KeVita… If kombucha is not your thing, try something as simple as tea, especially a calming one for the evening — it will help you sleep better, and again, offer more benefits than alcohol.


And yes, by moving I mean exercise. Don’t force yourself to work out, run, or whatever other “trend” is out there if you’re not into it — if you don’t enjoy it, you have more chances of giving up, and well, that’s not the idea. Find an activity that works for you and stick with it. For example, walking is my thing, and I definitely noticed a difference (not a good one) once I stopped doing it regularly (for reasons that have been a bit out of my control). The point is, if you like me, aren’t a fan of exercising, don’t underestimate the power of just walking! It will benefit your body as well as your mind.

Speaking of… Take care of your mind.

We can be doing all the things above, look great, and on the inside, feel not so great. These last few years have been incredibly dark with more dooming news coming at us every day. It has taken a toll on our mental health and trickled into everything else. It is why taking care of our minds is of utmost importance.

Be unapologetic about taking care of it — cut out of your life the people who bring you down. Take breaks when needed. Find the things that help you heal, destress and relax (but please don’t do that with drugs and alcohol). Shut down the news, and turn off notifications that stress you out. Read, or even watch lighthearted shows, meditate, strive to be the best version of yourself, dive into self-help books (yes, they can be helpful) — just take time for yourself, and do things for yourself only! Do all the things you need to do, but please, don’t give up! The future might look bleak, but we can still show up and do something today that will make tomorrow better. And keep doing that every day. You got this! No, seriously, there is no way that with consistent and dedicated work you won’t have results, so just keep going!

I hope you find this post helpful.



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