2023 a recap, sort of...

2023 a recap, sort of... | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, year in review, yearly review, year overview, fashion, style

2023 was a difficult year… I won’t get into too many details, however, I can certainly say that 2023 tried to simultaneously break me and give me a serious wake-up call… The good news is that I am still here!

Sometime in 2022, I started writing and publishing a monthly series — month at a glance, where I share an overview of each “chapter”. Usually, it includes a quick recap, things I bought, TV shows and movies we watched, books I read, etc. Of course, the posts don’t mention the other details of the life behind the scenes. I am sure that some would enjoy them but I am (1) not one to share everything; (2) someone who believes that some things should stay private.

The reality is that last year, especially the beginning of it, challenged me in unprecedented ways. For better or worse, it changed me along with some of my beliefs, comforts, etc. And it also kicked my butt into action.

Overall, it wouldn’t look like much… We humans, especially in certain circumstances, tend to look at the bigger picture, rather than notice the smaller details, so we overlook the little wins and accomplishments, because, ultimately, there were several of those, too. Just because we aren’t where we want to be yet, it doesn’t mean that we haven’t gotten closer to it. That we haven’t grown… that things weren’t put in motion… It’s so important to acknowledge that!

2023 brought on the lessons and while I am still learning some of them, here are some things that got me through:

I sought joy last year… Fervently… I forced myself to stop and observe, and wow, was that soul-filling.

I leaned into living my life on my own terms and based on what works for me.

I accepted and fully embraced certain things about myself and acknowledged those I am still working on…

Through all the turmoil, I dug deeply and came to understand that “The trend of civilization is upward, and though the line may zigzag upward and downward at given periods, it moves eternally upward, as a whole. ” and that “... the man who uses his mind power to damage or destroy others, soon eliminates himself by the loss of his power...”. It changed my perspective on life and our world in general.

And more than anything, I sought and found peace…

In personal style news, I shopped way less for clothes. Mostly because this post still rings very true. I am evolving, my interests and ideas are changing, and naturally, my style is following along, too. For those reasons (and to be painfully honest, because I am the heaviest I’ve been in 12 years!), I didn’t buy many clothes. I am still defining what I want my style to be while I work on getting back to where I feel my best… Because for me, it’s much more about how I feel rather than how I look… Though the looking part is not nothing — I do like to look nice!

I did, however, shop for more accessories and a few classic staples — things I will love and wear for years — that’s my long-term style philosophy and what I’ll be focusing on in the new year.

I am going into 2024 still fighting my own self-limiting beliefs, still a work in progress, but stronger, more determined, and at peace.

And you?

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