In retrospect...

In retrospect... Year in Review by Blooming Magnolias Blog

2021 has been a more difficult year than 2020 for me… what started as a year full of hope and a somewhat shy, yet determined march towards a once known, predictable life, was quickly squashed by yet another wave of a pandemic full of unknowns and isolation. Because it has been an isolating year.

Our second summer in Florida has been more scorching than the first, and it kept us mostly indoors, at home, due to the severity of the pandemic in this state.

With that, there has been a lot of introspection and realizations about myself, my needs, and my wants… The older I get, the more I value my peace — inner and outer, and my time. I refuse to allow things and people that don’t deserve them, to forcefully take them away from me. But I’ve also learned to stop trying to control some things and focus on myself instead. And I didn’t stop there…

I’ve unofficially set my word for 2021 to be “clarity”, and although it’s been slow-coming, I did get clarity, at least in some areas of my life…

I’ve intentionally stopped myself from shopping for things that I know I can live without. I’ve made an effort to lead a more minimalistic life, at least in some areas…

I’ve shopped way less in general, and tried to manage my impulse purchases, though I have had a few slipups; dresses are still my biggest weakness.

However, I did guilt-free buy a lot of books, the kind that impact one’s life. I’m not giving up on books.

I’ve also read so many incredible books thanks to the discovery of these apps. They’ve been my escape from reality this year. And boy, have I read this year…

I’ve made another purchase that literally changed my life, and I’ll never stop sharing about it. I needed this one, too.

As soon as the weather cooled, we visited several stunning places in Florida that left me speechless. They fed my craving-for-beauty-soul. And I desperately needed that!

I don’t know what 2022 will bring, but my biggest wish for this new year is to meet good, caring people, the kind that would make me believe again that they actually exist. And peace and quiet… I want peace and quiet! And to be able to [freely] travel internationally.

From the bottom of my heart, I’m wishing you all the best of things!

2022 - I’m waiting for you!

In retrospect... Year in Review by Blooming Magnolias Blog. Fort de Soto Park



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