In the new year I will...


2017 has been a strange year and I know a lot of you will agree with me on this one. Things didn't go according to plan, situations escalated, changes that were supposed to make it better backfired and my health declined.

But don't get me wrong, it wasn't ALL that bad. We got to visit Alcatraz and Grand Canyon West for the first time, found the art in unexpected places, changed our diet and made healthier choices that led us to discover unusual recipes, and found a way to cope through it all.

We're hours away from a new year in the calendar. It's that time we start drafting our goals and resolutions. We all agree that they are important, however, most of us fall short of carrying on with them for more than a few months. I'm embarrassed to admit that I am part of that group as well and I want out. But in order to be successful, I need to do a few things. So, in this new year, I vow to...

  • Leave fear behind; Fear is such a powerful feeling but so foolish at times.

Don't get me wrong, I believe we need a bit of fear in our lives, but not to the point where it stops us from living our life or do the things we want to do. Just imagine for a second where you'd be if you weren't afraid. With that in mind, I'm making a vow to leave fear behind:

- fear of success. This one is hard to explain, but long story short, I have been sabotaging myself and I'm all about ending that in 2018;
- fear of putting myself out there. There's nothing wrong with expressing myself and telling my story and I'll keep doing so;
- fear of “what will people think”. Here's the deal: people will never stop talking and criticizing so why should that stop me from doing what I enjoy;
-fear of uncertainty. Uncertainty is a constant in our lives so might as well embrace it and live the moment;
- fear of speaking up and taking what’s mine; In 2018, I will speak up and I will no longer back down in order to avoid burning bridges - some are meant to be burned in order to make room for new ones.
- fear of showing my confidence. I have my insecurities just like most of us. I learned to accept the things that "fed" those and built confidence instead. However, I had to give it up or even hide it in situations, and with people so that I don't appear presumptuous. I've gained nothing out of acting that way so I am ending this "practice".

  • Stop overthinking. 2017 had A LOT of thinking in it. So much in fact that I went through it in a zombie state. Think of this or that and guess what - in all that thinking I’ve missed moments, so many of them. In the new year, I will stop overthinking and start acting.

  • Make time for me and Hubby. We got so caught up in our plans and whatever was happening in our lives and around us that we simply could not find enough time for us. No Bueno! In 2018, I am making US a priority.

  • Work on our goals. 2017 has been about decisions and planning. Yes, I said planning. We have had a few AHA moments that made us change the path we thought we were going to follow. We strategized and the coming year is about execution.

    You might be wondering how am I going to follow through when I admitted above that I failed?
    I have my husband - and you - hold me accountable. Hubby is very determined to get me "working" and has been pushing me to share my lists with him so he is familiar with them and keeps me on track. And you can do the same.

    Have you made any vows for the new year?

    Happy New Year!