Ideas for social distancing

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It is beyond a doubt that life, as we know it, has changed drastically for the vast majority of us in a matter of weeks. We’re now being asked to stay inside and maintain a distance from people, and in some countries, this has been made mandatory. We need to understand that this is for the good of all of us, and while it may be tough, we need to respect the ask of experts and remain in our homes, no matter how tempting it is to frequent our favorite restaurants, bars, stores, and the list goes on. How long this world-wide situation lasts is up to us - that’s the way I see it.

Hubby and I have been staying inside, with the exception of taking short walks around our [empty] neighborhood. So to make our stay at home more productive and less boring, I wanted to share a few ideas to implement during this time. So here they go:

  • Read and listen to thousands and thousands of books/audiobooks, magazines, articles, and more via Scribd (offers a 30-day free trial). I have personally used it and loved this service. New releases or new books are added all the time, so there’s no way you can get bored with this service.

  • Youtube learning. Have you been wanting to learn a new skill but had no time for it? Well, now’s the time to jump on it. Youtube is an amazing resource with all sorts of tutorials from makeup lessons, to photography and the list goes on. I will be checking out these, these, and these videos for learning and inspiration.

  • Cooking/learning how to cook. If you’ve been wanting to cook or learn how to, but have always been tempted to go out or order in instead (you can still do the latter in many places), now would be the time to ensure that you’re nourishing your body with healthy foods by trying to replicate or create your own at home. The internet has literally millions of recipes, and so many easy ones, that you have no excuse. I draw ideas and inspiration from my “Cooking Inspiration” board on Pinterest.

    Cooking can be a fun process, that can easily make you forget about worrisome things. If you’re only starting, be gracious with yourself and remember that “Rome was not built in a day”. Also, try experimenting with spices - you’ll be amazed.

  • Reading. Yes, I’ll include this one again because reading is fun. Maybe you have a stack of books, magazines, and what have you that you’ve been meaning to go through but social distractions never allowed you to get to? If still lacking ideas, see the books I shared here, here, and here.

  • Organize/clean out your closet. We might not be going out much these days but an organized closet helps with an organized mind. Plus, it brings quite the satisfaction to be able to see what you have and find what you’re looking for easily. Swap your winter wardrobe to spring/summer, donate what you don’t love anymore, fix what needs to be fixed, organize your shoes and jewelry, and admire your work after - you’ll feel so much better. This would also be the time to create your go-to looks for the days when you’re in a rush. What do you feel most comfortable in while running errands? What outfit is a no-fail for work? For going out?

  • Clean your home. It goes without saying, but since you’re spending more time at home, you might as well spend your time in a pleasant environment. Give it a good clean, organize your belongings, shred that spam mail that’s been piling on the counter, disinfect frequently-touched surfaces (your phone included), clean appliances, and electronics - (again) your phone, computer, iPad, and so on.

  • Sort through your pantry. Chances are that you have stocked up on some items. Organize them by type - keep dry foods (rice, pasta, lentils, etc.) in one spot, divide the canned goods and sort them (aka soup with soup, beans with beans), to make it easier to see/remember what you have. Check the expiration date on them and use the ones expiring soon first. Make a list of items + quantity + expiration date, and attach it to the pantry door to help with meal planning + shopping. That way you ensure that you don’t waste food, while also getting the best nutrients possible. Also, don’t forget about your spices.

  • While you’re at it, organize your life some. Take a look at your finances, your bills and due dates (it’s not fun but something we should do regularly), create a calendar to keep track of them and ensure timely payments, clean up your computer/phone of old and/or unused files/apps, organize what you use most often, and most importantly, back them up. You can either back files online via services like Dropbox, Google Drive, or Google Photos or save them on external hard drives (a necessary process if you ask me).

  • Also, don’t forget to take care of yourself and take some time to relax and have fun. That hair mask you’ve been meaning to try? Now’s the time to do it. Also, dedicate some time to your skin - apply masks after cleansing your face (make your own simple soothing one by mixing 1 tablespoon rolled or ground oats + 1 teaspoon honey + 1 teaspoon yogurt, and apply to your face for 10-15 mins), or go through your stack of sheet masks, or whatever you have at home. Exfoliate your body by mixing sea salt + olive or coconut oil (microwave it for 30 seconds to liquefy it) + essential oils, or simply scrub leftover coffee grounds all over your body (warning: it can get messy), and enjoy smooth skin after. Watch a TV show or movie you’ve been wanting to, listen to music that puts you in a good mood, have some good old fun video chats with friends and family across the country or even the world, watch some funny animal videos, the list is endless. Look up places and gather inspiration for when we’ll be able to travel again (get some ideas here).

I hope you find these tips helpful.

These are certainly unprecedented times for many of us, but I firmly believe that with each other’s support and respect, we can get through it. If staying at home and keeping our distance from each other is what it takes to save lives and stop the spread of this virus, we should fully embrace it. I mean, is it really asking that much, when we get to be in the comfort of our own home?

Wishing you all good health and be safe.

Until next time.




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