Two unexpectedly inspirational books

About my love for reading, I wrote here (you should read the books I listed there, they're good). While I always look for new recommendations and lists of must-read books, I sometimes find or rediscover them by chance. Sometimes I come across a book that instantly inspires me or motivates me to make a change. This was the case with the two books I wanted to share with you in today's post, maybe they inspire you too...

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While in Paris, the hotel we were staying at curated a list of [free] movies that either took place in or mentioned the city. That's how I found the movie "Me Before You" - yes, I know I have been living under a rock. I watched that movie three times in one week, that's how much I liked it and it impacted me.
Even though the movie was great in itself (and the actors even better!), I wanted to read the book that the movie was based on. Having read a lot of the books that served as the inspiration behind movies, I know by now that the book is always much more detailed and just overall better.

So as soon as I was able to get my hands on Me before You by Jojo Moyes, I devoured it. This book is part of a trilogy that has been very successful (my favorites are the 1st, Me before you, and 3rd book, Still me), but it's the first book I want to talk about here.

I'll admit I'm a sucker for a good love story, but it wasn't that what drew me to it. Having watched the movie three times and read the book, I got a new perspective every single time, to the point that I found it to be very inspirational. Without giving out any spoilers, in case you aren't familiar with it and might want to read/watch it, I will say that the "live boldly" quote is ultimately what ignited a spark in me. This movie/book reminded me, once again, that you don't know what you like, what you're missing, and what will make you happy if you don't "widen your horizons".

Most often, we are so comfortable where we are and become complacent, that we forget there's a bigger world out there, and we're capable of much more if we "let the world in". Read the book, watch the movie and let me know if it inspires you the same... just keep in mind that this is a controversial storyline, with a "not your average" romance or ending.

"You only get one life. It's actually your duty to live it as fully as possible"... "Live boldly. Push yourself. Don't Settle. Just live well. Just LIVE" - Me before You, Jojo Moyes.

The second book I wanted to share is one that you might have read before - The Secret Garden by Frances Hodgson Burnett. While this book is intended for children/young adults, I thought we all needed a reminder of what our minds can do, if we set them up to. If we allow our minds to be overtaken by negative thoughts, those become our reality.

The takeaway from this story is that one needs to be careful with what they believe in and that with determination and the right mindset, we can conquer anything. ​

“At first people refuse to believe that a strange new thing can be done, then they begin to hope it can be done, then they see it can be done--then it is done and all the world wonders why it was not done centuries ago"... “I am sure there is Magic in everything, only we have not sense enough to get hold of it and make it do things for us”... “That is the Magic. Being alive is the Magic--being strong is the Magic. The Magic is in me--the Magic is in me.” - The Secret Garden, Frances Hodgson Burnett.

Have you read any of these books? If so, what are your thoughts on them? ​

Until next time.


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