5 things that bring me joy this week

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, weekly series, flowy tiered dress

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here.

This weekly series is quickly becoming one of my favorite things to write for this blog. It does just what it was intended to — force me to look at the small things and appreciate them. As we often forget to do that, this weekly exercise feels good and puts things in perspective. Without further ado, here are the 5 things that bring me joy this week:

  • This sleeping lip mask that I just shared in this post of things I bought that have been worth every penny. No more dry lips over here and that’s bringing me joy!

  • Peach and nectarine season! I try to stay away from whole peaches (I can’t stand the fuzz and it appears that it’s causing me allergies) but I love them nonetheless, especially in desserts and ice cream. And as far as nectarines — give me a bucket of them and I’ll still say it’s not enough! As I’m writing this, I’m looking at some on our counter, and just seeing them, brings me joy. Yum!

  • Flowy, tiered dresses to help with this heat so many of us are dealing with! The one I’m wearing in the photo above is old by Solid and Striped and no longer available, however, find the exact same style in a beautiful yellow floral perfect for summer available here.

  • Chia pudding I’ve been making and eating every morning this week! Inspired by this recipe, I avoid any sort of sweetener, and instead, add whatever fresh fruit I have on hand (like those peaches and nectarines I mentioned above or bananas), and/or dried fruits like cranberries, cherries, goji berries, or mango. I also add a few cashews or walnuts. I make it the evening before so it’s ready the next morning. So yum and healthy and just the thought of having it every morning brings me joy!

  • Listening to music from my school/high school days… so much fun, so many memories…

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?

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