5 things that bring me joy this week

5 things that bring me joy this week | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Lifestyle, beach scene, photography, Florida beaches

Check the entire “5 things that bring me joy this week” weekly series here.

We’re almost halfway through June, and through this year, and I’m now starting to feel like time is fast-forwarding more and more. The last month or so has been a blur, and we had to put a lot of things we wanted to do on pause for now. While I am sad about it, I’m also joyed by the reason behind this, and I’m taking it day by day trying to make a list to catch up on, hopefully, this fall.

Until then, here are 5 things that are bringing me joy this week…

  • A good read. I haven’t read much lately as we’ve been so busy, but this activity brings me immense joy and I am making a point of getting back into it this week. So the simple idea that I’m about to dive into an interesting book is bringing me joy. Now, which book should I choose?

  • Photography! I’ve mentioned before on here, but I truly enjoy taking photos of places, things, etc. When I’m at it, my mind is solely focused on capturing that moment or subject the way I see it. Not having anything else floating in my head is liberating. I had to act fast to capture the photo above as there were people in and out of my shot, and I really like the result. Note that there’s absolutely no editing done to it, so I think I did a pretty good job, don’t you think? Needless to say that this photo brings me joy.

  • Summer afternoon rainstorms. Truthfully, the only thing I love about Florida in the summer is the daily summer rainstorms, and it’s something I look forward to every single day. Granted they haven’t been occurring daily just yet, whenever we get one, I feel overjoyed. That was the case just yesterday evening when we got a quick one while the sun was still out — yeah, it’s kind of normal around here.

  • The Lost City Movie. We definitely enjoyed it and laughed a lot. I missed silly comedies — movie makers, please take note and bring back FUNNY comedies. I’ve had enough of movies and shows that are marked as “comedies” and are anything but…

  • These exfoliating mitts that surely will reach cult-following status if they haven’t already. Seriously, they leave my skin SO soft and I SO regret wasting money on other exfoliating things that were simply doing the job halfway… Try them and thank me later!

What’s bringing YOU joy this week?

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