Friday randoms: February at the beach

TGIF! The weekend is here and as always, I couldn't be happier about it - it's been a long week. For some reason I kept thinking all day Tuesday that it was Thursday (my work week started on Monday), Wednesday I woke up sure that it was Thursday and well, I lost count after that. It was and still is brutally cold here, the coldest week I have experienced living in SoCal. ​We are supposed to be getting some sun *fingers crossed* this weekend, so I am welcoming it with my open arms.

I'm so glad that we had nice days prior to this cold front and got to enjoy the beach. This is what I love about living in SoCal - the fact that we can go to the beach no matter the season.

This past weekend we decided to get out of town and head to my favorite beach in SoCal - Swami Beach in Encinitas. It's small but that's what I like about it. It is a hot-spot for surfers but I like it for its "kind of secluded" setting.

It was a bit cold and windy which is definitely not abnormal for this time of year, but it was manageable. We walked, listened to the waves and watched some very funny birds run all over the beach. All in all, this day allowed us to stop and recharge.

I hope the photos below will help you do so a bit too.

Friday randoms: February at the beach | Blooming Magnolias Blog | lifestyle

How do you recharge after a long week?

Until next time.