Dreaming of travel

How does traveling sound to you these days? Is it something you’re considering, planning, or actually doing?

We don’t have any actual plans to travel, though hubby is very much eager to. We’ve considered visiting Savannah, GA, and Charleston, SC, as they’re within decent driving distance, but I am hesitant for a myriad of reasons.

I’m just not sure where I stand when it comes to travel these days. You must know that I absolutely love the idea and the experience of travel, as well as the exhilaration of seeing and discovering a new place. Yet, these days, the thought of travel brings me more of a feeling of anxiety rather than excitement. It might be because of the blunt disregard of restrictions and/or safety measures we’ve all witnessed, but the thought of going anywhere these days is… unnerving to me.

At the same time, I genuinely and wholeheartedly crave something new, aka a different environment - let’s be real, almost 24/7 of staying at home for a year now can be exhausting.

While I have been saying on my Instagram that I long for Italy, lately, that has changed. Even though I miss meeting face-to-face with people, and being around them, I’ve found that I really want to be in nature these days, as in, actually be in an isolated place somewhere away from people, a cottage, if you will.

Did the word “cottage” make you think of UK? Because that’s what I’ve been dreaming of lately… I want to be somewhere by the sea, like Cornwall, or somewhere [almost] in the middle of nowhere, overlooking dramatic cliffs like the White Cliffs of Dover or the Old Harry Rocks in Dorset. Or maybe in a castle by the sea somewhere in Scotland… wouldn’t that be interesting? Would you stay in a castle? Because it’s on my list, even though I know I’d be somewhat petrified!

Travel dreaming | Blooming Magnolias Blog | Travel, Scotland, Edinburgh Castle

While we have zero plans for travel, especially when it comes to international travel these days, I can’t help but dream of it… I close my eyes and I can see myself in at least one of these places I mentioned above - I can really see myself there: “It’s a sunny day, the sky is topaz-blue, emerald-green grass is all around me, the beautiful white-ish cliffs are at my feet, the blue sea in front of me, and a somewhat intense breeze is touching my face. It’s maybe a tad chilly, but after the intense heat and humidity of Florida, this chill is more than welcome… I just stand there, taking in the view, breathing the fresh air into my lungs, feeling the breeze brush against my skin, and blowing my hair… back home the breeze is rarely cool these days, so I’m taking it in, and I just stand there, and listen…”.

You know what the best part of this exercise was? It actually cleared my head and energized me, and God knows, I needed that. Try it yourself - take it as a meditation break, and imagine yourself somewhere you want to be - no matter what that place is. Visualize it and feel your mood change - it worked for me!

If you’re dreaming of travel, where do you really see yourself these days?

Until next time.



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