One-shoulder dress

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It's crazy how fashion tends to do a full circle, as far as trends go. Things that we were all rushing to get - and then - discard years ago, are now the new "in".
How many times have you "cleaned out" out your closet of things that were no longer trendy, to wonder, years later, why you did it. Let's take, for example, vintage everything. People have thrown those away, seeking the modern, now to find that vintage is timeless and highly desired in fashion.
It is why, whenever I really like an item - as long as it's in good condition, I stick to it. Hoarding? Maybe, but boy am I happy when I can pull something unique in some way, from my closet. Unique as in it's so old, you won't be able, most likely, to find the exact item anywhere else.

I know that, as a blogger, that might not be ideal, but I try to share my tips with you because it's not all about the piece of clothing as it is about creating style.

So, by now you can tell that this dress I'm wearing here is not a new one. I've actually had it for five years now and I bought is from Asos - I love this website.
The dress is comfortable and versatile, as it can be worn for many occasions, and, even after five years is still trendy, Funny, right?

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But I obviously wouldn't end this post without sharing some dress I found that is gorgeous.
What do you think about this one, or this one and this daring one, or this striped one? Let me know if you like any of them.
So, my advice to you, hold on to your favorites, if you can, because one day you might just be very happy you have.

Do you have things that you kept that are now "trendy" again? Let me know in the comments.

Thanks for reading and have a great week!

Em ​