I have a dirty little secret

We all have our dirty little secrets, right? Well, I'm gonna let you all know about mine.
Before I get into what my secret is, I need to say that this post is not in any way sponsored and it only speaks of my experience.

So what is that dirty secret of mine? Not sure if it's a dirty one, but...

The secret is that...​ I exfoliate daily.​

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I know dermatologists recommend exfoliation twice a week or so, but I do it daily (when I'm a good girl), and I'm not ashamed of it. I mean, I started getting compliments on my skin being luminous and smooth (I was never complimented on my skin before), so I have no plans of stopping what I'm doing.
It might be that my skin got used to the treatment, but I swear there's a difference in how it looks on the days I skip this step, either because I'm lazy, time-pressed, or just want to give it a break.
And the difference I mentioned earlier? Not a good one! My skin looks tired, less radiant and not as smooth.

We recently took several trips to a few places. Since we flew there, and we decided to grab what we can carry-on, we were limited in the items we could bring with us, so I left my Clarisonic brush home.
While my skin was OK during the trip, once we got home, (and I skipped exfoliation that day too, I started to notice it looking dull. The next days, after we settled back home, I finally cleaned it with the Clarisonic brush and my faithful Garnier SkinActive Cleanser and used this (linked for your convenience) sheet face mask after and I swear my skin instantly changed, re-gaining its vitality.

I found the sheet face mask at Marshalls but they state on their website that you can find them also at T.J. Maxx and HomeGoods.

I have talked about the face masks I use (a few of them - turns out I'm a face mask junkie) in this post, and I have to say they've all become staples in my skincare routine.

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Are you a face mask junkie too? Which ones are your favorite?

Until next time.

