How to find my style


What is style? For some, it can be the way they do things, for others, it's what goes into their daily appearance, but, whatever it means to you, know that style is unique to you. You may get inspired by others, but I bet you leave your own "touch" to what you do and what you wear every day.

Really, think about it. Have you ever given it any thought of what might be your style? Have you observed your wardrobe? Is there a clear "trend" being featured in it? This is what I want to talk about today.
I focus on style a lot here on my blog, and I mean the style driven by fashion, but there's so much more to it.

So how does one find their style? There are a few things you want to keep in mind.

What makes you feel the most beautiful? What makes you feel comfortable and, at the same time, confident? What do you think flatters you? Brings out your best features?

I am certainly drawn to specific outfits, which normally include dresses because I feel very comfortable in them. Now you might have noticed that I tend to wear a lot of maxi dresses and skirts, that's because I do not like wearing anything short - right above the knee is the perfect length for me. Why? When I go out, the last thing I want on my mind is having to worry about showing more than I intend to - it has happened and I do not want to remember that feeling/experience. But that's just me.
How do you figure what's flattering for you? Apart from the old-school checking yourself in the mirror, try taking a photo of your outfit, it will give you a better visual, also, asking a friend you know you can trust helps.

The next thing you want to consider is, what do you want to achieve with your look/style?
Do you want to attract everyone's attention (red will do that for you), or do you simply want to look elegant? Once you figure that out, move on to the next important step which is choosing the right size. We're all victims of finding something that we really love but in a size too small or too big and, we either end up looking ridiculous because the clothes are too tight or too big, or they end up in the closet waiting for that day when we lose or put on weight. Be honest with yourself, will you really wear that? If the answer is no, move on.

One issue that is a pet-peeve of mine and I want to bring up here is the VPL (visible panty lines). I see so many women having great outfits on until you notice those ugly, deforming VPL and the outfit is ruined. Please, please, if you don't like wearing thongs, find some "no show" undies that won't throw all your efforts out the window. See some ideas here and here, and remember to get your right size. It might take some trial and error, but once you find the right ones for you, trust me, it will make all the difference. You can apply the same concept to your bra.
I think these are the main things you want to consider when developing your style. It definitely is something that evolves with time, so it is important to be patient with yourself and take note of what makes you happy.

And remember, as Yves Saint Laurent once said "fashions fade, style is eternal".

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I hope you enjoyed this post and you learned something from it. Let me know in the comments below, what do you think your style is?
Thanks for reading dears!